Corporate & Publicity
The corporate publicity portrait is a specialty of Imagine That Photographics. A publicity portrait is often the first impression that one makes with a new client and careful consideration is given to your portrait to ensure that impression is a good one. Your photographer can advise you on clothing selection and will always offer a variety of poses and expressions so you can choose the image that best reflects yourself and your business. You may book an individual portrait session at our studio or choose to have your photo taken on location at your place of business. A consistent style and look to your staff’s profile portraits is important to creating a cohesive and professional online presence. Imagine that specializes in providing profile pictures for the entire team at your business, group or organization. We can work with your organization to create portraits of your entire team and help you to design a look to your staff profile pictures that matches your corporate identity. Ask for a custom quotation to create attractive portraits of your sales team, board of directors, management team or all your staff. We can provide photography services on location at your workplace for very reasonable prices.